Talaat Bey Declares That There Is
Room Only for Turks n Turkey.
The New York Times
Jan 13 , 1915.
Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES.
ATHENS. Jan, 12, (Dispatch to The
London Morning Post.) - It is asserted
in well-informed circles that the Turks
for the present have abandoned their
advance against Egypt.
In Constnatinople anxiety regarding
the possible forcing of the Dardanelles
It is evident that the situation for
Christians is extremely precarious even
in the large cities, and Talaat Bey, the
Minister of the Interior, has stated to
the Councillor of the Greek Patriarchate
that in Turkey henceforth there will be
room only for Turks. While he was
profuse in assurances to the Greek Min-
inster regarding the cessation of anti-
Greek persecutions, no real ameiiora-
tion of the situation is perceptible.
The Turks are again fortifying the
Tchatalja lines.
The New York Times, 13 Jan 1915. Source