13 Jul 1919: Turkey Condemns its War Leaders, New York Times


Court-Martial Gives Death Sentence to Enver Pasha, Talaat Bey, and Djemal Pasha.
Djavid Bey and Alusa Metssa Get 15 Years at Hard Labor for Part in the War.

New York Times.
July 13, 1919.

   CONSTANTINOPLE, July 11.  -  Enver
Pasha, Talaat Bey, and  Djemel  Pasha,
the leaders of the Turkish Government
during   the  war,  were  condemned to
death today by a Turkish count-martial
investigating the conduct of the Turkish
Government during the war period.
   Enver and his two leading associates
in the  Young  Turk  Government  fled
from  Turkey several months ago, and
their whereabouts is uncertain.
   Djavid   Bey,  former  Minister  of   Fi-
nance, and Alusa Mussa Kiazim,   former
Sheik-ul-Islam, were sentenced to fifteen
years at hard labour.
   The   court-martial   acquitted  Rifaat
Bey,  former  President  of  the  Senate,
and  Hachim   Bey,  former  Minister of
Posts and Telegraph.

   Henry Morgenthau, American Ambas-
sador  at Constantinople,  and Sir Louis
Mallet, the British  Ambassador  at  the
same place, have  left no doubt in their
dispatches, books,  articles,  and i nter-
views of the guilt  of  the  Young  Turk
leaders which has just been proclaimed
with sentences pronounced by a Turkish
court-martial   ordered  by  the  Grand
Vizier   Damad  Ferid   Pasha  and  con-
vened by Ahmed Abouk Pasha, the Min-
ister of War.
   It is the  climax  of a  long  series  of
prosecutions undertaken by the officials
of the new  regime  to  clear  the  skirts
of the Turkish poeople from blame for
joining  in  the war  and  for  the  Arm-
enian, Greek and Syrian atrocities and
deportations.  It  reached  its  practical
climax  on  April 12, when  Kemal Bey,
former Minister of Food and Governor
of Diarbekr, was actually executed  in
Bayazid Square, Stamboul.


Turkey Condemns its War leaders. The New York Times, July 13, 1919

Further Reading:
Ahmed Djemal Pasha
Ismail Enver Pasha
Mehmet Talaat Pasha


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