26 Sep 1922: Massacre on Saturday, Ogden Standard Examiner



Ogden Standard Examiner
September 26, 1922

   At a conference in London   Balfour
announced he had information that a
general massacre of  Greeks and   Ar-
menians in Smyrna  was to  occur on
next Saturday.  
   If the Turks carry out their  plans of
annihilation of  the  helpless  refugees
in the destroyed  city, there should be
some concerted  action by the powers
to inflict punishment on  the butchers.  
   But  the Turk has been  committing
these  outrages over a l ong period of
time and  always he has escaped with-
out paying  a  penalty,   except  at the
end of the  world  war when  he   was
reduced in  territorial rights.  Now  he
is about to  recover his provinces and
that will encourage him to go on with
his massacres.
   Long ago  the Turk would have been
placed in a straightjacket had the Euro-
pean powers  avoided  quarrelling over
the division  of  Turkey.   The  present
aggressive move of the Turk has been
made possible   by  the greed of Great
Britain   and  France.   Both  countries
have   been  maneuvering  to   control
great  areas  of the dismembered  em-
pire and disappointment has prompted
the   French to   attempt to  check the
aggressions   of   Great  Britain.   Had
neither country sought to greatly  prof-
it by the breaking  up   of  the Sultan’s
domain, the  Turks  would  have  been
held in   restraint   and   there  would
have been no massacres.

The Ogden standard-examiner. (Ogden, Utah), 26 Sept. 1922. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1922-09-26/ed-1/seq-4/>


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