30 Aug 1917: 30,000 Greeks Deported, Poverty Bay Herald



Poverty Bay Herald
Aug 30, 1917.

   Reuter’s  Agency  is  informed  that  a
memorandum  has been addressed to M.
Holitis,   Greek    Minister   for    Foreign
Affairs, by  refugees from  Aivali, a town
situated  on the coast  of Asia Minor, op-
posite  Mytilene, protesting  against  the
policy of  extermination  followed by the
Turks   against  the   Greek   inhabitants
there.  These  Hellenic  refugees  declare
that more  than  30,000  Greeks,  mostly
women and  children, have been forcibly
deported into  the interior  of Asia Minor.
Their houses   and property  have  been
destroyed and all kinds of ‘unimaginable
atrocities’ committed upon them.


Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14389, 30 August 1917, Page 3.


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