8 Sep 1915: State of Terror in Smyrna, Bay of Plenty Times

 bayofplenty 8sep1915


Bay of Plenty Times,
8 Sep 1915, p.3.

      Greek  refugees  from Asia Minor
state  that   terror  reigns  in  Smyrna
from whence the Christians are being
forcibly removed to the interior.
     The Bashi Bazouks are plundering
unrestrained and are apparently aim-
ing at the extermination of the Greek
population.   Smyrna  is  in  darkness,
and railways are interrupted through
lack of coal.
     The  Italian  Consul-General  with
his wife and members of the Consul-
ate   escaped   with   difficulty    and
reached Mitylene after teriible adven-

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6482, 8 September 1915, p.3. Papers Past | Newspapers | Bay of Plenty Times | 8 September 1915 | State of Terror in Smyrna. (natlib.govt.nz) accessed 29 Aug 2022.


Further Reading: 
The Smyrna Holocaust


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