22 Oct 1915: '...The Greeks are marked next', The Argus



The Argus (Melbourne).
Oct 22, 1915.



   The  New   York  World   published   the
following message from Mr John Reed,  its
Constantinople correspondent.


    High  Turkish officials  told  me  that  the
Armenian massacres are part of a deliberate
scheme of the Committee of Union and Pro-
gress to expel all aliens, cherished since the
Balkan War. Greeks are marked  next,  then
the Jews and Italians.


THE WAR DAY BY DAY: TURKISH CRIMES IN ARMENIA (1915, October 22). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 5. Retrieved August 29, 2021, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1573584


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