17 Jul 1923: Thousands of Greeks Disappear, Advocate

advocate 17july1923

Thousands of Greeks Disappear.
Horror Upon Horror.

Advocate (Burnie, Tas),
July 17, 1923. p. 1.

  LONDON,  Monday  -  The Lausanne
representative  of    the  "Daily   Tele-
graph"  reports  that  an international
commission  is  inquiring into the con-
ditions of  the  Greek prisoners  in Tur-
  It is reported  that  out  of 30,000 of
the rank and  file  which the Turks ad-
mitted were  prisoners, only 4,000 are
now alive.
  Out of 2,000 officers only 750 can be
traced. There are also scores of thous-
ands   of   Greek   civilians   in  Turkey
whose  numbers  are daily diminishing.
These horrors will continue until peace
is secured. 

"THE TERRIBLE TURK." Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954) 17 July 1923: 1. Web. 21 Jul 2021

Further Reading: 
The Treatment of Greek Prisoners in Turkey: Report of the International Commission of Inquiry... 
A. Pissanos, Prisoners of Kemal 


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