23 Dec 1924: Yarn of a cargo of human bones, New York Times

nyt 23121924


The New York Times.
Dec 23, 1924.

Copyright 1924, by The New York Times Company.
    Special Cable to the New York Times.
   PARIS, Dec 22, - Marseilles is excited
by  a  weird story of  the arrival  in that
port  of  a  ship  flying  the  British  flag
and named  the  Zan carrying a mysteri-
ous cargo of 400  tons of  human bones
consigned to manufacturers  there. The
bones are said to have been  loaded  at
Mudania  on  the  Sea  of Marmora  and
to be the remains of the victims of mas-
sacres  in  Asia  Minor.  In  view  of  the
rumors  circulating  it  is  expected  that
an inquiry will be instigated.

The New York Times, Dec 23, 1924.

Further Reading:
Did the Kemalists sell the bodies of Greeks and Armenians for industrial use?


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