20 Mar 1919: Defeated Turk Orders Killing, Washington Herald

washington herald 20mar1919

Greeks Capture Documents Directing Massacre in Aidin Province

The Washington Herald. Washington, D.C.
20 March 1919

Paris, March 19.  -  Greek delegates
have learned that the Turks recent-
ly  laid  plans  for  a  wholesale mas-
sacre   in   the   Province   of   Aidin,
which   is   largely    populated    by
Greeks, it was announced today.
   The  plans were revealed through
orders   captured   from  the  Turks.
The  first,  dated   February  25  and
signed   by  the commander  of  the
Aidin gendarmery, reads:
   "I  call  your  attention   to  the  at-
titude  of   the  Greeks  toward  Mus-
sulmans. We must  exterminate this
base, miserable nation."

Allies Take Precautions.
   The order declares that money and
arms  have  been distributed  among
well-known comitadjis for this purpose.
More is  promised if the plans are car-
ried  out successfully. The order con-
cludes  with the  instruction  to  "act
freely with women, regardless of their
A second order said:
  "The Greeks may be expected to ex-
press   openly   their  sentiments   for
Greece.  Immediately   each  citizen is
expected to do  his duty and join in a
general   massacre.  Each  should   kill
four or  five Greeks.  Oral  instructions
will be given as to the methods of exe-
cuting this order."
   As soon  as  the orders were seized
allied  representatives  took necessary

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.


Further reading:
The Aydin Massacre, June 1919
22 Aug 1919: Turks Massacre Greek Boy Scouts, Milwaukee Journal


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